So I currently use namecheap for my domain registration and hosting. This isn’t my first hosting service, I’ve use many other shared hosting services in the past.


  • Honestly it is mainly cost, but also I am not a huge fan of cpanel that comes with a lot of shared hosting.
  • I’d also like to keep my AWS skills sharp.
  • I need a solution to host various email address accounts.
  • I need a few static pages to be hosted


  • First is this github pages hosting using jekyll
  • Second is partially protonmail for my emails I also ported an email to namecheap’s email service.
  • Third will be to use AWS S3 for static pages and media
  • May look into a home server to host non critical content.

Update 29/06/2020

  • As I mentioned above in the problem section, cost was a factor at the time, I didn’t feel like I fully utilized the services provided for the money I spent.
  • Additionally on the topic of cost, I am considering Linode as an alternative to AWS for hosting
  • Only thing preventing me from using Linode is that I want to keep my AWS skills sharp as AWS is what I use for work
  • So all of my solutions have worked for me so far this past year. I did end up getting a home server using nextcloud to host the audio, photos and hopefully video going forward